CIBS GmbH | Industrial Representation for Heat Treatment


CIBS GmbH is an industrial representative and operates in the heat treatment industry.
This branch is a niche product in the metalworking industry.
Where well-known automobile manufacturers, suppliers, tool and special machine manufacturers
are to be found. This is where heat treatment has its home, as a supplier of equipment and spare parts, as well as a provider of industry standard services, for metal finishing.

We have acquired our know-how in various activities and positions, with different and important heat treatment equipment manufacturers.

Our idea for founding the company is based on countless insights and experiences.

We would like to open a completely new direction and offer a special service to our existing large customer base, our existing suppliers and selected heat treatment suppliers.

Basically we would like to position ourselves on the market as a certified industrial representative company.
position on the market.

The GmbH will take over in the classical way industrial representations with intensive consultation, training and service achievements, for selected heat treatment suppliers. We will support and advise our long-standing customers with our know-how in the field of spare parts procurement, maintenance and improvement of production safety, optimization of energy consumption, product-related optimization of processes and other services.

Furthermore, we offer the preparation of specifications for the procurement of new equipment, preparation of purchasing specifications, consulting in heat treatment and
planning and construction of heat treatment centers.

We are looking forward to a continued good cooperation!